Medical Camp for construction workers

A construction site is not exactly the typical venue for  Serva Seva Sang. The NGO normally works for street children and HIV affected women and children. Yet here the eight social workers were, in the heart of Brahma Sun City, one of Vadgaon Sheri’s largest construction sites, speaking to some 40 men and women in security helmets, stout shoes and working clothes. What was going on?

It was H.O.P.E.’s Medical Camp for construction workers that took place that day. H.O.P.E. had organised this special programme to inform the male and female construction workers about health issues and topics like HIV, drug abuse, various addictions, etc. For many of the participants, it was the first time that they received first-hand information about these topics. And why on the construction site? Because people are there – so H.O.P.E. goes where its target groups are. And be it on a construction site at tea time.

Not a typical tea break – on today’s menu is health instead of tea